Galaxy Formation

Digital illustration of galaxy formation

The Galaxy Formation group is developing the numerical tools and physical insights necessary to understand how galaxies form and evolve within a cosmological context.

A fully predictive theory of galaxy formation remains one of the great, unsolved problems of astrophysics. Galaxy formation represents the intersection of many branches of physics from cosmology to plasma physics, and involves a vast range of length and timescales. Our goal is to explain a wide range of observations ranging from high redshift quasars down to the smallest local dwarf galaxies.

Group members are particularly interested in the following topics:
• star formation and stellar feedback
• baryon flows and the circumgalactic medium
• synthetic observations
• co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes
• large scale structure


Learning the Universe

This collaboration, directed by Greg Bryan of Columbia University, aims to understand and determine the evolution and initial conditions of our universe, using observations via a Bayesian forward modeling approach.


News & Announcements


Amiel Sternberg, Ph.D.

Portrait photo of Amiel Sternberg

Amiel Sternberg joined the Flatiron Institute as a senior research scientist in 2017. Sternberg is a theoretical astrophysicist working in the fields of galaxy evolution, star formation, cosmic structure, black holes and active galaxies, intergalactic and interstellar medium, astrochemistry and plasma astrophysics, dynamics, spectroscopy and radiative transfer, computational methods and theory of fundamental processes. Sternberg…

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